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Forward and Table of Contents
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Section 1: SIGPSPATIAL 2021 Workshop Reports | |
The Fifth ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-Based Recommendations, Geosocial Networks and Geoadvertising (LocalRec 2021) Panagiotis Bouros, Tamraparni Dasu, Yaron Kanza, Matthias Renz, Dimitris Sacharidis
| 1-5 |
The 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Simulation (GeoSim 2021) Joon-Seok Kim, Taylor Anderson, Ashwin Shashidharan, Jeon-Young Kang
| 6-8 |
GeoHumanities 2021 Ludovic Moncla, Carmen Brando, and Katherine McDonough
| 9-10 |
The 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in Resilient and Intelligent Cities (ARIC 2021) Bandana Kar, Shima Mohebbi, Guangtao Fu, Xinyue Ye, Olufemi A. Omitaomu
| 11-14 |
The 14th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS 2021) Andy Berres, Kuldeep Kurte, Rajesh Paleti
| 15-20 |
The New Frontier of Geospatial Artificial Intelligence Research (GeoAI) Dalton Lunga, Yingjie Hu, Shawn Newsam, Song Gao, Bruno Martins, Lexie Yang, Xueqing Deng
| 21-32 |
The 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Animal Movement Ecology and Human Mobility (HaniMob 2021) Federico Ossi, Fatima Hachem, Francesca Cagnacci, Urška Demšar, Maria Luisa Damiani
| 33-36 |